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Stefan B.

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Everything posted by Stefan B.

  1. Thanks, this is exactly the document I also received with the car. Mine is just without the handwriting that is seen on your copy, and I have it in on a thin green paper and the same also on a thin red paper. Where did you get that? kind regards, Stefan
  2. Hi, just checked and you are right, engine number ist RS 2514. The sticker is at the side as you correctly identified. I will check if I can change that and put it symmetrically over the hole. Thanks also for the photo with the correct battery. I was not aware of that. LG Stefan
  3. One more question concerning your remark 3 regarding the super charger. I see the hole there but no sticker. What sticker should be there to cover this hole?
  4. yes, it seems the former owner did take care of it quite well, but he has not driven it that much - I was very much surprised how good the breaks are and how easy going the gear shift
  5. yes, the rear view mirror looks great, however it is not very practical as you see more or less only the tops of the cars behind you 🙂
  6. Thank you for your remarks and recommendations! I really appreciate that.
  7. Hi, I have just brought my new Avanti home from its prior owner in Switzerland, last week: 1963 R2 color grey red seats and beige dash imported from the US to Switzerland by Binelli & Ehrsam AG, Zurich first registered in Milano, Italy, in 1967 by a Mr. Passoni VIN R-4641 Engine no. S-2514 Body no. 3609 Factory order no. 1416 I thought I could post some photos here as I am quite proud right now 🙂 If anybody knows anything about this car's prior history, please let me know. Best wishes from Vienna, Stefan
  8. Hi, 

    just got my new 1963 Avanti from the previous owner in Switzerland. Its a 1963 R2, VIN R-4641, engine no. S-2514, body no. 3609. The car was apparently exported to Milan, Italy, and as far as I can see registered by a Mr. A. Passoni.  Color is grey, interior red and beige. 










    1. lschuc


      You really should have posted all of this to the 1963 forum at 

    2. Stefan B.

      Stefan B.

      thank you & sorry. Shall I post it in an existing topic (is there one where people show their Avantis?) or open a new one

  9. I just tried and it worked perfectly well. Thank you all for your help! I am new in the Avanti owners group so I really appreciate your infos and tipps
  10. Hi, I cannot open my trunk at all. When I pull the latch it does not move at all - ist there any other way to open it than by using the latch? I guess something is broken inside ... Would be very happy for any hints or tipps
  11. Thank you very much. I'll keep you posted.
  12. Hi Ed, I would like to ask you a question concerning a Speedster I am considering to buy. Sorry to jump in here in this discussion, I tried to send a direct message but that did not work. Would it be possible that you check if the car is in your lists and give me some info on it if it is? - also via personal message or e-mail (stefan.bergsmann@chello.at), whatever is best for you. The VIN is 7165903, Body No. 6H K7 1507 and Engine No. P 16935. As far as I know the car was owned by a Mr. Gene Upstill before it was sold to Europe ~2017. It would really be great if you could help me on that. As I am new in the Stude realm and am located in Europe, it is not so easy for me to find the right info and sources. Again apologies for jumping in and also for bringing this up here in the AOAI - I simply did not know how to contact you on a different way. Thank you & best wishes from Vienna, Stefan Vienna, Austria
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