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Tom Lassiter

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Everything posted by Tom Lassiter

  1. Leo, I just bought the same distributor and ran into this problem: The base of the distributor, above where the shaft descends into the engine, is about three times the thickness of the original. This means that the original hold-down device is unable to snug up to the distributor, where it can be bolted down to hold the distributor in place.

    Nostalgic Motorcars says no one's ever called about this issue before.

    How did you solve it? Can you provide a photo?

    Thanks much.


  2. Thanks. Will do!
  3. I have a recently purchased 1963 Avanti R1 that runs and drives but needs lots of attention under the hood. About 10 inches below the power steering fluid reservoir is what looks to be a 3/16-inch or so metal tube, open ended and pointing upward. It looks to me like it's missing a rubber connecting hose. But to where? A similar, adjacent tube and hose seem to connect to the area below the water pump. I've been through the Workshop Manual and Chassis and Body Parts Catalog and can't find what I'm looking for. What is it, and what do I need to make it whole? Many thanks.
  4. I recently purchased a 1963 R1 in running/driving condition, but it could be doing better. Can anyone recommend an experienced Avanti (or Studebaker) mechanic in central North Carolina? Brakes need attention as a first priority. Many thanks. Tom
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