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George Rohrbach

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  1. **** Guy - Here are some photos of a turn signal bucket I made yesterday for my 63, cardstock mold coated in candle wax hand lay up fiberglass, Very, very nice work. George Rohrbach
  2. This is the carb air cleaner set up on my 1985 Avanti 305 cu in High Output, from the factory. Posted just in case someone doesn't know how they were configured. George Rohrbach
  3. Great job. I didn't think it up. I found it somewhere on the net!
  4. Nelson, this is the thread.
  5. Do you still have these mirrors on the car? George Rohrbach
  6. Look back on this site, as there have been a few of these years' cars parted out. Maybe you will get lucky, although I have seen some that have been stained up inside with the blue color from the windshield wiper fluid. Good luck. Sorry, I replaced this one so long ago that I don't remember how they come off and on!
  7. This is on my 85 Convertible. It is a replacement from Dan Booth, but is just like the original.
  8. Yes. Chemicals I tried: Brake Cleaner, Carb/Choke Cleaner, Eastwood Pre, Por15 Solvent, Acetone, Toluene, Xylol (Xylene), 70% Isopropyl Alcohol, Awesome, Por15 Marine Clean, 3M Specialty Adhesive Remover, 3M General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner, StepUp, and anything else I have in my garage. Nothing really touches this left over adhesive very much. It is just very tenacious!
  9. The passenger side is done. It came out very nice, and window slides easily. The old adhesive was terrible to remove. Combination of scraping, sanding, abrasive pad, (all the while being careful not to wreck the stainless-steel beads). Also, every chemical that I own. By the way, none of the chemicals did much at all. 2 different adhesive removers didn't touch it.
  10. Greg, were you ever able to get your window out? On my Avanti, the top of the (rear) window track was pinched at the factory. I had to open the end of the track back to the original opening size. After I do everything to the mechanism, and put the window back in, I plan to pinch it semi closed again. Driver side before. Pass side after bending open.
  11. Although I already had regular Velcro for the upcoming job, yesterday instead, I ordered the heavy-duty outdoor version! That tip was on the SDC Forum, in response to the same question I asked there. As a side note, on the rest of the mechanism. I am just finishing up white lithium grease to all the wear spots, 3 new rollers, and using a hypodermic needle to get grease in all the pivots. Also, new motor gear. I can't believe all the pieces that the old one was in (plastic shards). This is all being done on an '85, yours may have a different motor, depending on the year of the Avanti. But the rest of the mechanism seems to have remained the same over the years.
  12. Kodjo, Thanks for your help!
  13. Has anyone used the Velcro replacement trick on their vent window track, where the door window slides? How did it work? How did it last? Tips? Thanks, as I am doing both door window rehab.
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