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  • My Avanti
    1970 RQAo392

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  1. I have the manual and supplemental manual. Got used to reading and looking at pictures on how to threads for vintage landcruiser, thought it was worth a shot seeing if something like that existed for these relics.
  2. Looking for a thread or a “how to”, a walk through if you will on how to replace the king pins on my 1970 Avanti II. I have the kingpins,bearings/shims and A-Arms.
  3. Hey there. Anyone have pictures of the steelrubber trim installed? Would be great to get a visual of what was trimmed off. thanks
  4. Very cool. Where did you find the pocket? I’ve recently been thinking about building a space for a popup hidden stereo/screen in that area. I really want to update the og am radio but I love the aesthetics of it so hiding a modern radio is my next route… after more important items on my list
  5. In this thread you can see some picts and other info of leds that I used. They work really well. https://aoai.org/forums/topic/43270-fuel-gauge-wires/
  6. Felt a clunky clunk last night and this am. Jacked up the car to see this broken bracket. With google search I came across this fresh post on another forum. Going to give it a go with over the counter parts. https://studebaker-info.org/Tech/SOB/sdc45279.html
  7. Excuse my naïveté but does anyone know the torque spec on the front wheel bearings? I’m just plane missing it in the fsm
  8. Thanks for the info. I’m sure when I read through the manual and get a visual on things it’ll make sense. I also ordered some fresh A arm bushings, while I’m there sorta thing
  9. So after bearings, bell crank and tie rods…it had been a couple months, I took the car in for alignment. The shop wouldn’t align the car as the play in the wheels top to bottom. The play wasn’t there before so now I’m guessing the king pins are worn. Going to double check the bearing torque again. Anyway, was just going to buy the entire king pin replacement and swap them out with direction of the fsm. Is there anything I should know about that the fsm or what the fsm won’t tell you manual doesn’t mention? thanks!
  10. My seats were the original seats and vinyl. The dye from the seats was migrating off the seats with every drive in the summer heat. The outside corners of the seat were splayed open, dry and aged. Originally I found some leather and textiles from Relicate leather that were intended to replace the og upholstery. The summer sun was heating up the vinyl to intolerable temps for the wife and kid so I decided to go cloth centers. The upholsterer I found suggested using some dead stock from 1965 and some vinyl he could source to match closely. Both options ended up saving me quite a bit of cash. I’m pretty pleased with how they turned out and his work is really nice. I’d love to post some picts but with a limit of 5kb that seems near impossible.
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