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Posts posted by Peddler

  1. The best is always to move it yourself or pay a friend with a trailer to move it for you.  I have tried almost all the carriers and they can all be bad or no problem, just the luck of the draw.  At Amelia Island last Sunday there was a freshly restored  Mercedes 540K from the 30's , probably a 2 million dollar car, with the right front fender mangled during its shipment to Florida.  So it doesn't matter which line you use if they can tear up a car like that  it can happen to you.  Good Luck, that is a nice Concour. 

  2. I can't help you inside the carburetor but I would tell you to check for a vacuum leak which can cause idle trouble and be lass noticeable at speed.  The most likely contender for this trouble is the power brake booster.  Try pinching off the vacuum line and see if it smooths out.  Obviously look for any other vacuum hoses that may be deteriorated. 

  3. I'll take a guess that it was Notre Dame as they were local.  I friend of mine started his Freshman year at ND just shortly after  they stopped production, the entire town was in a state of depression, both mentally and financially.

  4. I thought R5642 was the last Avanti produced  and sold to the public.  Perhaps that was just the last R3, but it is a white auto transmission car with the red interior.  Currently in Maryland in great condition.  

  5. If you use restoration batteries like I do, AGM batteries inside an authentic looking case, you need to use specific chargers designed for AGM batteries.  Using just an off the shelf battery tender for these will in time ruin them, I found out the hard way.  Also if you jump this  type battery with a "hot Box" or boost pack it will ruin them.  It only takes one time.  The Absorbed Glass Matt batteries are great looking and will hold up well but you really need to know what to do and not do with them.  Otherwise I have found they hold up great, look good and you don't have to worry about leaking.  I keep Battery Minder AGM chargers going on my cars all the time.

  6. I thought the original manufacturer was Gabriel and they were the three position adjustable's.  I bought a set for the rear that were the originals or re manufactured to look like and adjust like the originals from Nostalgic Motor Cars, Dan Booth.  In any case they look like the ones in the authenticity manual.  He only has the rears no fronts at this time, maybe in the future.  Expensive though.   

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