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1982 Recaro Seat back release levers and Dome Light Lenses found

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As we continue our journey fixing our 1982 Avanti ii problems, we thought this info might be useful for other owners. Our Recaro seats had broken/missing release levers and we had missing interior light lenses. I located the release levers at pelican parts with a really good price and the interior light lenses on eBay. The lenses come in a pack of 4, which covers the 3 interior lights with an extra to spare.  If your interior light bases are warped in the middle, you can get or make around a 1 1/8" spacer to spread the base back out.  Let the spacer sit in the base for a few days and then the lense will pop right in.




Capture 2.JPG

Edited by ronmanfredi
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