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John Hull

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Posts posted by John Hull

  1. Sorry guys I don't have time now to find them but telegrams from Loewy to his partner Snaith and loewy letter to Clarence Francis actual documents not loewy rememberers trump your understandings Trying to keep things factual again from actual records and documents not remembrance's 

    A reporter was sent to a gunfight between a legend and an up and comer 

    Reported back to the editor and asked

    Do you want the truth or the legend

    The editor told him to go with the legend



  2. Sorry guys Loewy contacted Egbert thru an inquiry to Clarance Francis Chairman of the Board Studebaker First

    One of the biggest Avanti myths ever  Egbert contacted Loewy first makes good press but not true

    Have letters and telegrams supporting this from Loewys files

    Please be careful with these types of questions etc. as very few people and I'm one knows what really happened and this exercise promotes an untruth


  3. Had some time and located my records from my time and afterwords at Avanti in Villa Rica and info from Cancun 

    I now have detailed production info for both 2001 and 2002 will summarize and share the actual information next issue Magazine



    2001 Avanti Production    14 cars

    2002 Avanti Production    33 cars

    Total                                    47 cars


    See next Avanti Magazine for details as to models built and numbers        


  4. I attended the meet where these were presented.

    Bob Andrews was a true inspiration and a real gentlemen. We sat and talked for about 2 hours after the banquet. He introduced me to Chuck Jordan from GM the keynote speaker and personal friend of Bobs.

  5. I have build sheets, trans am donor documents, most of what's been discussed above for most if not all 2001-2007 Villa Rica Cancun Mexico cars

    I was a minority partner with Kelly and Seaton and was there in Villa Rica from day 1  in  2000- mid year 2002

    Its amazing how much misinformation is out there

    I'm a bit tired of reminding people of my contributions to the rebirth of the Avanti and it was not just a Kelly Seaton Deal

    If there is sincere interest in the real story let me know or ask your questions as Im not getting any younger

  6. Magazine I prepared and gave to participants at AOAI Tacoma Meet covered known researched and verified 

    prootype info


    May have a few copies left if someone wants to purchase

    25.00 each as I have to locate and ship

    Let me know


  7. Translation result of dealing with cards over the years

    no one Booth SNM (multiple copies) Krem have copies of PO

    i learned long ago to never say never but if it exists it would probably only be in Paxtons records which I’m chasing currently



  8. I never specified it was ordered without an engine or transmission and labeled it speculation as a possibility

    If Studebaker got wind a non studebaker engine was going into an Avanti with the work being done at a subsidiary for legal and liability issues it would make sure no paper trail would exist at Studebaker on that car Also it would be god awful advertising a GM engine in a Studebaker product again liability issues ie engine blows warranty etc

    Officially at Studebaker it would not exist

    Ray Cash worked for Paxton and drove their transport vehicle many many times from Santa Monica California to South Bend to pick up and deliver Avantis   Transportation would not be an issue

  9. 2022 AOAI International 60th Studebaker Anniversary Update
    DONT MISS OUT -- June 14-17, 2022
    Milwaukee/Brookfield world class attractions
    Milwaukee Zoo nearby hotel
    Harley Davidson Museum
    Shopping Mall adjacent to hotel
    Spa and Nail Salons in mall
    Guest Speakers
    Andy Beckman SNM Studebaker Avanti
    Robert Lee Minority Owner Newman and Altman
    Dave Kinney Blake
    John Hull Kelly, Cafaro
    Jim Bunting Bunting Era Zoom Interview
    Kelly II John Hull
    Jim Lange - Appearing with his Bonnevile Record Breaker
    Barlow Soper - Excalibur Historian
    Never before seen interviews, videos and special presentation 30th Anniversary Meet footage from South Bend 1993
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