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Everything posted by Klaus

  1. So much for my hammer drill idea...... Because the engine is out, I am going to remove the transmission too and take it for a rebuild.Do the U joints then too. Do not know if it needs a transmission rebuild, but do not care. I has been sitting, unused for thirty years. Would rather do it now, than have it malfunction after the engine is installed. A frame question: On Hawks, with a frame simlar to the Lark frame under the Avanti, there is often a need to install a fishplate near the pillar base. On the GT Hawk, the frame was allegedly heavier gauge and the problem mostly alleviated. (even though we beat on our GT Hawk, there has been no frame fatigue issue) Is frame fatigue an Avanti II issue? The 400 has an abundance of torque. Does it make the Lark frame a bit too twisty in your experience? ALthough my car led a pampered life, I will upgrade the frame to ensure continued pampering if it is recommended..
  2. Thanks folks. Insight much appreciated. Looking forward to tackling this project in spring. One of the first projects will be to open the filler door without destroying anything - no filler key came with car.
  3. Thanks John. Much appreciated. I am new to Chevy engines, so all insight is appreciated. That intake sounds like a good idea. Especially if it improves low end.
  4. Hi all, New to Avantis and this forum. Purchased a beautiful 1976 well-optioned sunroof car. The car looks like it never even saw rain. Paint buffs out nicely with a couple small nicks from decades of garage storage. As luck would have it, the Avanti is the same color as our survivor GT Hawk. Relevant history: The Avanti is a jigsaw puzzle. The prior owner purchased in 92. He drove it for a couple summers and then removed the engine for a rebuild. Engine rebuild was done by a reputable shop. Engine never reinstalled and the long block sits on a stand. He is now elderly and decided it was time to sell the car to somebody who will complete it. Nice folks and we look forward to taking them out in in when completed. We have been doing our research in anticipation of a spring challenge. Some questions linger as we research and assemble parts. Accordingly, some questions for the collective Avanti knowledge of this forum: Cam: the engine was rebuild to stock. Rebuild receipt and boroscope confirm dished pistons and stock cam. There are many cam recommendations on various forums. This is a light car with a torque abundant engine. What cam have you installed with a stock valvetrain that wakes this engine up a bit more than stock? Exhaust: anybody install ramhorns? Want to remove the ugly 1976 manifolds. Carb: Purchased an aluminum dual plane intake. What carbs are you running on the 400 with success? Have Edelbrocks on my GT Hawk and 390 Thunderbird. They are easy to tune and responsive. Ignition: Do you ditch the stock GM HEI? What aftermarket electronic ignitions work. Front Brakes: Ditch the Lark setup in favor of a Jim Turner kit? Have a Turner front disk/dual master on the GT HAwk. Simple and straightforward install. Have a Minnesota company kit on the Tbird. Horrible to install. Aluminum Radiator: Any consensus or suggestions? Your insight is appreciated. Looking forward to putting Humpty Dumpty back together and driving it. Thank
  5. Crud - posted in the wrong section. Ignore the post
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