So much for my hammer drill idea......
Because the engine is out, I am going to remove the transmission too and take it for a rebuild.Do the U joints then too.
Do not know if it needs a transmission rebuild, but do not care. I has been sitting, unused for thirty years. Would rather do it now, than have it malfunction after the engine is installed.
A frame question:
On Hawks, with a frame simlar to the Lark frame under the Avanti, there is often a need to install a fishplate near the pillar base. On the GT Hawk, the frame was allegedly heavier gauge and the problem mostly alleviated. (even though we beat on our GT Hawk, there has been no frame fatigue issue)
Is frame fatigue an Avanti II issue? The 400 has an abundance of torque. Does it make the Lark frame a bit too twisty in your experience? ALthough my car led a pampered life, I will upgrade the frame to ensure continued pampering if it is recommended..