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Everything posted by 63stick

  1. Bob, I was 10 at the time, so it's certainly possible they installed at dealer. I'm lucky I remember my name sometimes. Where did you get your car from/
  2. Hey Bob, I typed you a full story of the circumstances of the R2 and R3, and somewhere when I was finishing up, it vanished. I've looked everywhere. It's floating around out there somewhere. I'm to beat to explain again tonight. I'll try again tomorrow. Long story short, my older brother stole it and the one R2 from storage and there sitting in Tennessee in weeds. Made me sick to my stomach when I saw them. The R3 was Red, 4 speed, black interior and was purchased in NJ. I assume they were 63s. They all had round headlights. I do remember that the spark plugs had to be changed all the time, because the insulator around the electrode would disintegrate. I was only 10-12 during that time.
  3. Mfg, pulled my clutch shaft today. Mine was factory brazed. Might tack it anyway, it’s out. Is the contact surface on the two fingers flatter. Enclosed pics. Any idea how thick a new disc is. Manual says each face is .135, mine measures .133 and total width is .333.
  4. Guy, picture if my panel. It was screwed to body before cover went on. No center clip and no hole in body for one. Window screw only go into the vinyl where it lays in window channel. My backer board is 3/32” thick, hard board.
  5. Just curious, was there an extension for the rear bumper, extending the bumper out a few inches. I happen to see a 63 Avanti on Ebay, located at Gateway Classic cars in Texas. The bumper was definitely farther off the body and it appeared to have some kind of blocks and straps on the sides. Just curious
  6. I guess so, Father ordered all the cars through my uncle.
  7. Guy, My panel does not have a clip and No hole for one. It had four small screws. The lower panel in your picture with curtesy light in it, is that plywood? Where is the location of the clip on your panel, I don't see a hole for it.
  8. Guy, The single clip, was it the same as the ones holding the trim over the door. I'm going to have to give it some thought before I put it back together. Obviously the backer was screwed in first then the padding and vinyl applied over it. The screws pulled through when I removed, no other way to get it off. Thinking while typing, holes are just pulled through. The backer is all there, I can press the backer in place. I have harder that will soak into the backer, then I can drill the holes to the same size as the trim over the door has. enlarge the screw holes in body and use spring clips. Probably don't need all four if yours only used one. I am fortunate, my car was always garaged , and has been sitting inside since the early 70s. She's pretty much rust free, haven't had a problem with any screw or bolt I have removed. Actually, I did have a problem with the large Philps screw going into side kick panel from heater box. The wellnut kept turning. Not complaining, consider myself very lucky. I'm sure the low mileage has a lot to do with it also.
  9. I noticed your in Mass. Brought back an old memory from 1963. We took my mothers new Avanti to Mass for our vacation. Her car had straight through mufflers and no resonators. It was load. We were in Marble head and out at a waterfront restaurant, called the Studio. We had valet parked the car. While we were eating we kept hearing this loud rumble every few minutes. Finally my father got up to check. Their parking was on the road which was a dead end if I recall. They kept moving the car closer to the front of the restaurant every time a space opened up. Nobody had seen one yet. It ended up being parked right at the front door. Haven't thought about that for any years.
  10. Does your 83 have same faceplate as the 63. Can I use my face plate trim. I saw they have a few different options. I was thinking blue tooth. Also saw somebody had a rear deck panel with trunk access panel for sale. Later year, it has rear defroster in it, which would be fine for a sub woofer and speakers. Not going to modify mine. Don't want to do anything that's not reversible. And thanks on asking question.
  11. As i was dismantling the interior of my car, I found that the upper side panel over the rear quarter windows were fastened to the body with four screws each, located under the vinyl trim. Am i assuming correctly that those panels were wrapped after the backer was attached to the body. Second thing, I'm considering putting in an upgraded/updated radio. Any recommendations. Also read somewhere, somebody said there isn't any room for a good speaker as there isn't any room between radio and speaker. Unless I'm missing something, it appears there is plenty of room for a good speaker. Thanks for the responses, I hate asking questions, but I don't want to have to do something twice when I can avoid it.
  12. They all came from the same family dealership, Knoblock Bros., Inc in NJ. They were a Dodge, Studebaker and Mercedes-Benz dealership. I don't know about the dealers installing the mirrors, as I was there at the dealership when our first one 63R 1086 R2 came in on the truck. The mirrors were on the car. I can't imagine dealers installing them. They mount into well nuts with 3/8" holes. Who in their right mind would want to drill holes that big in someone's new car. It was my mother's Christmas present. I had no idea what it was when we went to the dealer on Christmas eve. But I sure loved when mom dropped me off at school and all of my friends were there. I remember always saying, light them up when she took off. Another thing weird about that car was it came with Stainless steel wire wheels. Years later, I was talking to the parts guy out at the old factory, can't remember his name, but he was there forever. Super nice guy, he would talk to me for hours. I mentioned that one of the knock offs had gotten damaged and wanted to know about getting a replacement. I remember like it was yesterday, He said, so that's where the other set of those went. He said they were prototypes, but they were too expensive to make.'
  13. Well, I'm defiantly going with the 9 spring. Someone told me that when the motor mounts would get tired, when you depressed the clutch, the drive train would shift forward causing the frame mount to have a lot more strain put on it. I may install a cable from the trans to the cross member, which would limit forward movement if needed. Don't want to even think about getting in there to repair frame mount clutch bracket. Has anybody had the throw out bearing fingers on the clutch shaft loosen up. I can stop at my fabricator when car is on the way to the paint shop and have him tack them. Does anybody make a stronger clutch adjusting rod. Thank you for the input.
  14. I'm restoring one of my Avanti's. The factory shop manual says, It uses a 12 spring pressure plate with the 4 speed trans. Mine, which is all original has a 9 spring pressure plate. Later build, 63R 3186. I have heard there was some problems with the Z bracket welded to the frame with a 12 spring. Could they have changed them to 9 spring later on. I plan on putting in a 9 spring when I reassemble it. Not planning on Drag racing it. Was just curious.
  15. On my 63s, which have owned since new, all have dual side view mirrors mounted on the doors. I have noticed that almost all the cars I see have one or two mirrors, located on the top of fenders in front of the doors. Our cars were ordered but there was never any choice of placement. My uncle was the dealership that they were all purchased from. I have 63R 1086 R2 Two more, another R2 and R3 and 63R 3186 R1. All are the same. Any idea why these would all come through like that. Invoices just say mirrors I certainly like having them on the doors, I'm not looking through the vent window/windshield post and don't need 4' arms to adjust. After many years in storage, I've decided to bring them back to life and use them. Jealous I guess, my neighbors on each side of my beach house have classic cars, But, there not Avanti's I have just finished dismantling 63R 3186 except for front and rear glass. I am waiting to pull glass until flatbed comes. Now that we have had 2 snow storms and two more coming, There is no hurry, Paint shop will be backed up with wrecks.
  16. Mark, If calendar is still available, I would like to have it. I just joined and was going to order one.
  17. Anybody in New Jersey that can recommend a good upholstery shop that knows how to work with the no seeum strip on the backs of front seats. I have an original set of factory seat covers I would like to put on. I had a set put on one of my cars years ago and they were not done right. The strip opened up.
  18. Found clutch shop, but out of state. I would have to send it to them. Mine was fine, just thought being I have the engine out I would replace it. It appears the disc is the same as one of my early corvettes. It's a Borg & Beck. I did call SI today and ordered a catalog. Thanks for the help.
  19. Returning member after a long time. Was a member in the 90s. Put my cars away and had a different life. Now retired and have the time to enjoy them. So I'm restoring one of my 63s. Need to have it running for the paint shop. Don't want to install motor with existing clutch, only to have to replace down the road. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
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