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Everything posted by 63stick

  1. There are two blowers, just the blower, not even the front pulley on Ebay for $2,100 ea. Both chromed.
  2. If it's been sitting outside for 30 years, I think you will have bigger problems and other costs than the blower setup.
  3. I have a full stainless exhaust system minus the mufflers for my 63 R1. I bought the system from Don Simmons back in 1990. Can't remember if he had the name Silvertone back then. At the time he only had one muffler and wasn't going to be getting anymore. Needless to say, I never put the system on the car, until now that I'm putting it back together. Somewhere along the way he got a new manufacturer. Any recommendations on mufflers. Anybody use Silvertone mufflers. He has 3 different ones.
  4. Yah, my hose is still pliable. Not like it's brittle. Think I'll use it as is.
  5. How considerate of them
  6. My interior is out and there is No access to the side of the pillar
  7. The cover was off when I started this project. I must have removed it and put in in a bin in 1990. Hopefully I get my ok to put up my garage from the town tomorrow. Then I can start laying things out.
  8. what attaches to the frame bracket on the auto trans version
  9. The rubber section of the vent tube that goes up into the body and back out, is that just looped up in there or fastened. It doesn't seem to be loose in there. I'm sure it's hard and I don't want to break it off in there.
  10. I don't know, but does an auto have the clutch linkage frame mount already on the frame.
  11. If your car is nice and original/ stock, Why butcher it. Look for an abortion to beat. Only so many original cars out there. Just sayin
  12. Thanks guy, Thanks for responding. What screw would go into it, for what.
  13. I was able to secure the complete interior dash wiring harness up and out of the way. Also secured the engine compartment harness so it doesn't make contact with anything, during painting. Did they cut in the trunk, hood, and door jams before parts were put on and complete body was shot.
  14. When i first started this project, I came across a small wood block on rear deck by fuel filler tunnel. About 1 1/2" square, hole in middle about 3/8 - 1/2' thick. I saved it for some reason, and recently when I removed the padded sections under the sun visors, I came across the same blocks, spacers for the visors to anchor through. So where does the one I found on the rear deck go. Only thing off when I started in the rear was the vinyl piece over the fuel tunnel, as a matter of fact that vinyl piece was not there. Believe it's in a bin, hopefully.
  15. Is there an exterior vent in the tank area. The vent loop that goes up into the body, does that vent outside the car?
  16. It sure does. What material did you have it shot in?
  17. Just found it.
  18. I will have to call the museum, nothing comes up in their store.
  19. Thank you. Certainly looking into it. Don't think I have done so much reading in 20 years. Anybody want to purchase some old toy trains. Might have to sell to restore this car. Hope it's worth it.
  20. I took a piece of light angle and went across the cabin from lower dash mount to lower dash mount. Took a piece of 2x4 and screwed to angle. Drilled some holes in it. Wrapped the wiring harness in shrink wrap and zip tied it up and behind 2x4. It's totally out of way and out of sight for paint shop workers. Want to hang a steering shaft from it, don't want to use the Avanti column shaft or steering wheel. It never Sieses to amaze me. I had many vehicles sitting around. You know when you just want to clean the place out. One day i called the bone yard and told them to come look at 14 cars and give me a price. They did and i sold them, now I need a steering column shaft, and nada.
  21. That's a nice site for head info. Thanks
  22. Thanks mark, Where is that information coming from
  23. My shop said doors, trunk lid, and hood off. I'm thinking hinges on doors should be fine. Painting same color and it's solid. That space would be like a funnel if not sealed really good. I'm thinking I will hang the steering column from the two dash mounting bolts so it can be removed when it's getting painted. Trying to make it as easy for them as possible. Wrapped the wiring harnesses in engine compartment, then found putting a length of thin angle steel, almost like corner bead into the wiper motor hole and clamping to front center hood support hangs the harness away from everything.
  24. Are there any records that show how many had which interior and how many of a color.
  25. I noticed that there is a rather good size round hole on the floor in front of fuel tank. It's in the same location side to side as the fuel tank outlet hole but larger. Was there or is there a plug or cover for it. It's getting covered with something. It was like an expressway for the mice who thought building a condo complex on top of the fuel tank was a great idea. It was a really good thing I decided to take the car apart even though it only has 39k. Fuel tank would not have made it in a few years.
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