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  • My Avanti
    1991 12AAV22A3M1001208

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  1. Which years are included in the Blake, Kelly and Cafaro Avanti models - or is this common knowledge and a feller ought to know??
  2. Any suggestions for suppliers of coolant system parts, including the radiator?
  3. I need one also. Where it apparently "fell off or went rolling into oblivion" is an embossed Cadillac symbol! I'm also seeking a steering wheel medallion to replace "Dino"
  4. Thanks. There were 6 convertibles built. I just got mine from Gateway Classic Cars. I asked what major issues the car had and was told that the signal lights and the a/c (recharge) needed work. I had their local mechanic fix them. Once the car arrived, I discovered the top wasn't going down and there were some minor issues in the interior. Also, the driver side door was loose. By the time I drove it home from the local shop I found that there was fluid leaking from the radiator. Waiting for my mechanics to check out the whole car. Other than THAT! I wonder whether the motors for the windows and the top can be speeded up. 😃😉🤣
  5. How do the 1991 Avanti II Convertibles compare with the prior and subsequent years in terms of power, handling, reliability, and value?
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