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Everything posted by SCPO-PD

  1. 👍
  2. Electrical Mysteries in AOAI 205 is the complete answer!!!!! - You were correct pantera928, the Volt Meter does drain the battery over the course of a few days to a week.
  3. Good Morning Pete - Checking to see if this bumper is still available and to see if the above price is your best price. I will be making my way through Woodridge the morning of 26 March and afternoon of 28 March. I am reworking RQB-3616 and would love to see if we can work something out. Thanks & Blessings - Don
  4. Seeking some pictures / guidance for the installation of the Battery Tray Reinforcement that I purchased from Studebaker International. Their site says that that the "Bracket bolts to radiator support & front sway bar bolt. Standard on later models." I am just not seeing it on my 83....
  5. I am getting ready to replace the power steering hoses on the RQB-3616 and am wondering where the chassis lifting points are on the frame.... I have the Quick Jack 7000 that I finished setting up today.
  6. I am awaiting completion & return of my seats from the upholstery shop and seat belts from the vendor..... I am thinking about dying the carpet. Any thoughts / ideas?? I do have the original blue "House Shag".
  7. RQB-3616 has picked up a drain on the battery while I have been reworking the brakes (System is currently bone dry). I attempted to start her up last week let her idle for a while and I got nothing. No alarm, clicking, etc.... I checked the battery w/ a meter and got 10 VDC. I jumped it quite easily and let it idle for about 15 min. Thinking I may have hit a switch on the dash or ??? while changing out the hood release cable I checked everything and found everything in its proper place. I tried to start her up later in the week and got the same results. I noticed that the volt meter / gauge (left side of the dash has power all the time. I would think that this should only have power when the key is in the ignition switch and turned to aux at least.... I couldn't find the voltage meter in any of the Wiring Bloc Diagrams on Bob's Resource site and am now throwing this out to see if anyone has an idea or wiring diagram showing the voltage meter or ???? before I start digging.... Thanks & Blessings, Don
  8. I just purchased my 1983 and I am really thinking hard about where to start my rebuild/rework effort. I am seriously considering the dropping of the frame and starting there. I have found a few thoughts & ideas on how to do this online but the details are rather limited. Anyplace where I can get the details ???
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