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Avanti 79

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Everything posted by Avanti 79

  1. Thanks everyone for your help. It is greatly appreciated.
  2. Thanks. I’ve cleaned the hubs before I repacked the bearings and replaced the seals. No the noise didn’t appear suddenly and is not a result of any previous work. It has been there for a while, it comes and goes. There is no prominent turning left or right. I can hear it when I first start to drive and other times when I brake. Thanks so much. I appreciate your help.
  3. Thanks for your response. I’m not sure how to check it. Can you please tell what I’m looking for? Thank you.
  4. Hi All, I have a scraping sound coming from the right front brake when I apply the brakes. I’ve put new pads on, however, the noise was there even before I installed new pads. Everything looks ok and car seems to stop fine. I haven’t had to brake hard since installing the new pads, and I’m assuming all will be fine when I do. The noise isn’t there all the time, it kind of comes and goes. Before installing the new pads, I repacked the bearings and they seemed to be working properly. Additionally, the rotors are in very good shape and showing very little wear if any. There are no deep grooves in the rotors, so I’m at a loss, as to what is going on. Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.
  5. Hello everyone, I was wondering what tire pressure is being used. The owner’s manual indicates 26 pounds for radial tires. Seems a little low to me. Thanks in advance for any responses.
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