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  1. Or the wire broke off the NSS. The wires are brittle with age and tenuously attached.
  2. Neat! Never heard of them, I'll look them up. I put two clamps on, got NAPA clamps, couldn't even find GATES, no coolant came out as before. Fingers crossed.
  3. Thank you Bill and DWR.
  4. I just bought two new clamps. I will do that. Do you put the hose on short of that lip...ridge... on the intake pipe? Because right after that the pipe is not really round, it has a build up of metal, or a portion of the radiator infringes on the pipe. If I put the hose on smooth pipe, short of the ridge, and two clamps? Will try this afternoon.
  5. 63 R1 Avanti. Has anyone installed a lower radiator hose recently? I know this sounds stupid but I cannot clamp it so it stops leaking. Anyone have any tips?
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