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Everything posted by Avantir4

  1. Sent mine to Harmon classic brakes in Canton GA
  2. Definitely worth a try , The Avanti has an appointment over at the brake shop Thursday , we will see what happens, thanks for the information
  3. no leaks in the system , no brake fluid on the floor , and the brake fluid i used was WEAREVER BRAKE FLUID DOT 3, and when bleeding the brakes , pumped the pedal at least 15 times per time, starting with the right rear , then left rear, right front and left front
  4. Drove the Avanti to Duane Millers funeral, car has been running great. during the funeral procession, when stepping on the brake pedal, brakes felt spongy then heard what sounded like firecrackers going off, only when stepping on the brake. When getting home to put the car in the garage, stepped on the brakes they went to the floor,and firecrackers going off. Ordered a new dual master cylinder since my car has turner disc brakes, bench bled the master cylinder, after bleeding the brakes, took the car out, brakes go the floor. Purchased new calipers, bled the brakes, brakes go to floor. took master cylinder off bench bled again, , bleed brakes, brakes go to the floor Ordered another master cylinder and going to try this one. Could i have a booster problem ? Frustrated
  5. What parts are you looking for ?
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