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International Drtive Your Studebaker Day

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Just wanted to let all of you on this forum know about the first ever INTERNATIONAL DRIVE YOUR STUDEBAKER DAY. On July 4, 2009 we're hoping to have every Avanti possible out in public on that day. It could be just a short drive around town by yourself or a get-together with other Studebaker and Avanti owners in your chapter/area. In the U.S., driving in a 4th of July parade would be a great way to show off your Avanti and tell folks why you love 'em.

You can download a color flyer at www.studebakerdriversclub.com/DriveYourStude.asp and there's a promotional video on You Tube at

Please make plans to participate... and be sure to take pictures!


Bob Shaw

International Drive Your Studebaker Day helper

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