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Posts posted by jbfleder

  1. The first question anyone needs to ask is whether what offenses Mike Kelly is accused of benefited Avanti Motors and whether it can be proven Avanti Motors received fraudulently obtained funds. If so, then we have to see what legal actions the government can take to recover those funds and how it can tie up any potential sale of the company. The fact that the company is incorporated in the US and the factory and assets are in Mexico raises all kinds of legal issues as well as international trade issues. I certainly have no idea the answers to any of those questions.

    According to the FBI complaint dated 12-22-2006, $2.5 million was transferred from a Resort Holdings International account to an Avanti Motors Corp account during a 1 year period from April 2002 to May 2003. They claim the money was used to make Avanti payroll because so few cars were being sold. The FBI also claims that Kelly used the Avanti office in Georgia to operate the suspected ponzi scheme. I believe Kelly moved most of the Avanti assets to Mexico to keep them out of reach of the US government. Also the reason that after Kelly was arrested David Sharples stated that Kelly was no longer chairman of the company and no longer owns any share of it. Puerto Cancun and the Mexican government have been going to great lengths to cover up their association with Michael Kelly since his arrest. Puerto Cancun removed all references to his name and claim he was never associated with the development when a 2004 press release stated that Michael Kelly was CEO and President of Puerto Cancun. I imagine that the US government will take control of all Avanti assets in the US and have difficulty doing the same in Mexico. It has been six months since his arrest at the Mayo Clinic in Florida and Kelly is still in a Chicago jail waiting to be arraigned on fraud charges.

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