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Everything posted by 63stick

  1. My Complete engine gasket set came with two sets of head gaskets. A thin steel set and a thicker composite set. My car is an R1.
  2. I'm about to take rolling shell to paint shop. Hood and Trunk lid are off. Doors are coming off, Any recommendations with regards to painting the doors. Should I paint with hinges attached to doors. Don't really want to remove hinges with all the shimming if I don't have to.
  3. My lower window frame corners are open, which I would think would funnel water into the body.
  4. I would be afraid the rear window would blow out on the highway if it didn't have that one screw in the top.
  5. Oh yes, the pillar trim. I forgot about that. I had removed them weeks ago. Also, I removed all the stainless trim on windows, which probably made it much easier. Should have looked at the manual before I did it. My rubber is all VERY pliable. Will reuse.
  6. That's what i read in manual, but there definitely was non there. That's scary, a glass suction cup would pull the window out. It came out like nothing.
  7. Thank You, exactly what I was wondering. I never see the perforated interior.
  8. I guess I said it wrong. I knew that the seats were the same, I meant the finishing of the seats. What were the two differences.
  9. Sorry, Put in wrong group. removed but I guess it only took out the pictures. It's in 63-64 group.
  10. How many different styles were offered in the seats.
  11. Just pulled front windshield and there was no type of sealer or bedding compound. Window fell right out. Should there be something in there. Also noticed what looks like a drain hole in bottom of post. Should that be open. Post seem to be in good condition, slight surface rust, mostly glue residue.
  12. Pulled front glass today and there was No sealer or bedding compound at all. Is that the norm. Noticed a small gap at bottom of windshield post, Is that a drain. My posts are in great shape. My car in general is in pretty good shape for having 36k on it.
  13. I bought the new clutch already, It's a 9 spring centrifugal unit. The more rpms the more force on the plate. time will tell, I'm still way out before the clutch goes in. Just getting ready for it to go to paint shop. Just need to take out rear glass.
  14. They are used to hold the frame mount access covers on the front floor. 2 in each.
  15. That's what I have been working on for a year. Trying to put a large building up. Trying to hide my toys from my wife. Dealing with the EPA sucks. Everything you do with them requires a check. Had to pay them just to read my LOI. Hopefully Trump will straighten them out. MAGA A friend had to pay $100,000.00 fine because he took debris from his job sight to his shop to put in his shop dumpster. All because it crossed the county line with it.
  16. What do you think shipping would cost
  17. Sorry about the listing, But I said where it was. Simple enough to find.
  18. Yes, 421 Super Duty, 1,800 cfm tri power, ball bearing linkage, 254 first gear in the Muncie, 390 rear. It was built for street racing, by Ace Wilson, Royal Pontiac, Royal Oaks. It was totally lightened. Didn't even have seam sealer in the joints. Would pull the front wheels without even trying. 4 miles per gallon with the key off. Had it sitting outside my garage, somebody came in and asked if I wanted to sell it. Said no but the 61 corvette inside is for sale. Can't remember if they bought it or not, but a week or so later, I was walking by GTO and noticed the steering wheel, which was only on the Royal Bob Cat and the special Bob Cat carb linkage was missing. Don't know how, I lived right across the driveway, and it was well lit. Took it and parked it in the fields at my parents and some years later sold it cheap.
  19. Just saw this ad. 88 avanti Paxton supercharged. Looks like a great parts car. Looks clean except for nose. Wish i lived closer. Craigs List San Antonio Tx
  20. Alright, I had a 64 Royal Bob Cat, one of 3 made, when I was seventeen. And a 62 Ferrari 250 GT swb Berlinetta when I was 30. Wish I had them today, I gave them away. Had and have two different things, unfortunately. Memories
  21. That's what it looks like. No way it was put on any other way. Would you happen to know a supplier of any of the fill material or the board. The board only measures 3/32".
  22. Did they come made of Luan or are they replacements
  23. Did you buy it new yourself
  24. Never heard of that dealer. Only time I ever went up that way was on Sat. night with parents to visit grandparents in Newark.
  25. last time I saw the one was Aug 13th. 2019. That was the R2. I honestly don't know if my brother is still alive. His POS wife would never even let me know.
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