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  1. thank you! will contact both... sorry for not replying sooner, thought these messages might forward but guess I have to be on the site to get them! was texted by someone claiming to be from avanti restorations but address and phone number do not match what is on their site. Are they at a different location now? ty to all! gord
  2. Hope this is the right forum to post this. Newbie here, Gord up in Ontario Canada. Have owned many an odd car, but not an avanti YET! Looking at one in Rossford, Ohio (SW of Toledo) Don't mind paying for this... anyone local able to look this car over from an Avanti point of view (hog troughs, etc. etc.) Few pix, hog troughs seem solid but... might be other avanti only things I am ignorant of! Hopefully in next few days? Anyone? Don't mind paying for someone to do this. Rather pay for the car, come, confirm, take home, than do a needless 14hr trip (7 hrs min 1 way, not counting crossing over, etc. etc.) Busy time of year for me (in construction) do not really able to find 2 days to for fun! thank you! Gord parallax@vianet.ca 705-385-1203
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