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  1. Christmas present, me to me. Will let my son and grandson build it, they are really good at building models. I was told the box has value even after the kit is built.
  2. Very cool! Bear with me as I try to upload scans of that article.
  3. I have this magazine from June 1963 with a multipage Avanti article. Would there be interest if I post it? I don't think it would violate any copywrite laws being 60 years ago?
  4. aardvark very good reasoning, and a lot of truths for sure. I guess what attracts me to this car is the fact he was a good friend, and his wife still is. Had I been 3 hours quicker in '69, the car would have been mine! I know she is having some family situations, her mother passed and left almost everything to her, she has two brothers and they have literally disowned her - even though she was the one that cared for their mother in the last years, and really deserves the inheritance, my estimation. I will give her plenty of time, winter coming on, let it settle out, next Spring and see if anything comes of this.
  5. billsr2 - Although her husband has been gone 4 years already, she has trouble letting go, I realized that when we toured the beautiful home they built 10 years ago. He had his own sawmill and cut all the lumber from thier own woods. She is extremely pround of the home, he designed it, they had it cusom built. Things like his model car collection, and even clothing are still there as if he hasn't left. Hard to understand if one hasn't been thru something like this I guess.
  6. Ischuc - yes, her husband was a collector - mostly Corvettes, he had I think 7, including a first year '53. Had a beautiful Nova station wagon, rare. '64 Plymounth Sport Fury, among others. I think the Avanti was just because it was priced right and avaialble locally. I think the asking price was $6K back in '69.
  7. Thanks to all for replies. As I said she doesn't want to sell right now, but I will remind her in a month of two. I forgot to get the VIN/S/N, I was so excited to just see it after 40 years! As to what it's worth, I haven't found any comparable cars on the 'net, most have been worked on and dealer offers. When the time comes, I'll let her throw a number out and we will go from there I guess. Probably going to be a long winter - - - -
  8. Long story. This car was for sale locally in 1969, after work I was planning on making a deal with the owner. Mentioned it to a good friend when he came to work on 2nd shift, he says, he just bought it! My friend passed in 2020. His wife, same high school class, we had our 60th reunion recently. I asked her what she had done with my friend's cars, he had a collection of Corvettes, a '64 Plymouth Sport Fury, and others, plus the Avanti. Shes says she has sold a lot of the cars. I asked about the Avanti, she still has it! I asked if someday I might see it, she said OK, but its not for sale. So yesterday was the day, I drove the 60 miles to see the car. It was last on the road in '73, and moved to the new location in 2009 where they had built a house and large storage building. I was heartbroken when I finally saw the car, as the photos show. Total neglect. Only good news it is in a dry building, up on blocks. Even if she ever sells it, I imagine the motor would need to be gone through, supercharger rebuilt for bearings and seals, paint, does not have the original wheels, dash pad torn and probably mice, brakes. hog troughs, steering spindles, etc. I was so disappointed - other cars in the building were approaching this condition also. I would appreciate any suggestions on to the value of a car in this condition. I am #1 on the list if she ever decides to sell. R2, automatic trans.
  9. Being a newbie to the AOAI, I realize I posted this in the wrong place! Looking at a '63 to purchase. I guess when the time comes what you suggest is the right thing to do. I just happen to have these slots on my Torino and am going back to the original wheels on the T car.
  10. I am going to look at a '63 Avanti today, hopefully to purchase in the near future. I have these wheels on my Ford Torino, would look great on an Avanti, but they are 14". Would they fit over the brake rotors? My Torino has front discs and these wheels clear those rotors and calipers. Thanks to all in advance. Bernie
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