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  1. Thanks to both of you for the feedback. You confirmed what I suspected but I had a preconceived view that speaker wires would be black.
  2. The 1963/1964 Studebaker Avanti Authenticity Manual pgs. B-40& B41 show the two throttle linkage springs. The springs have different loop ends with that on pg. B41 having one longer loop. I have an old Avanti catalog parts book from Expressly Avanti that indicates the car uses two of the same spring, #537355 (superseded by 536598). Which is correct? Thanks Geoff
  3. When replacing the gas tank sending unit on my 63R1, I found two white wires in the same wiring bundle as the sending unit wiring. The wires were not connected to anything and had the ends covered in electrical tape. Can anyone explain the original purpose for these wires before I seal up the tank vault hoping never to enter again? Thanks Geoff
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