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  • My Avanti
    1983 vin # 12AAV12232D1003656, 1990 VIN # 12AAV44AX31001021, 1990 vIN # 12AAV44A8L1001020

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  1. Sorry Stacey, I do not but know a glass shop that does a number of classic cars and will asked them.
  2. I have a 1989 red Avanti that I am trying to find the paint code for? Appreciate any help. Thank you.
  3. I have a 1989 red Avanti that I am trying to find the paint code for? Appreciate any help. Thank you.
  4. Help! Does anyone know where I can buy a new top or where I can go to to have it replaced. I live in Oklahoma. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Help! Does anyone know where I can purchase a new top or where I can go to have it replaced? I live in Oklahoma. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. Another opportunity. 1990 4 door. Anyone know where I can purchase a blower control module? I have found used ones for sale but not one that has not been used. Any help would be appreciated Thanks..
  7. Very Technical question, how do you open the gas cover on a 1990 4 door? I know it electric but cannot find the button or what ever it is to open it.. Appreciate any help. Thank you
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