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Posts posted by bmaxwell

  1. Hello All! Both front seats on my '63 don't want to stay in place - the passenger's slides all the way forward when braking and the driver's slips all the way back when accelerating. I know it has to do with the either the seat adjustment track lock spring and/or the seat pullback spring. Both seats have track lock springs, but I suspect they are not the correct units. I pulled the driver’s seat and there is no seat pullback spring at all. I cannot locate any of these springs as replacements on the web. Any suggestions and or dimensions with strength requirements would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


  2. Hello everyone!

    I just purchased my first Avanti after owning Golden Hawks for many years. This Avanti turned out to be more of a project than I anticipated. I am currently too busy with work to devote the time needed for such items as new window seals, leaking rear end and transmission, lots of electrical lighting issues, horning not working, etc. I live just South of Chapel Hill, NC and would like any recommendations for shops in NC, SC or VA (or further away in the mid-Atlantic region if they are an outstanding resource) to correct these issues – preferably a shop that is experienced/knowledgeable about Avanti. Any recommendations would be appreciated.

    You may also respond directly to me at bmaxwell5657@gmail.com

    Thank you!


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