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Posts posted by dannyv

  1. Greetings, in response to the email from gentlemen who has the weather strip, please contact on my email address: dan16_43@hotmail.com, I really would like to talk to you about what you have, like to confirm that it will work and are you interested in selling it? Danny

  2. Greetings, My Avanti is a coupe, and I think that the aluminum extrusion are still there? The reason I say this is because on the top of the window is a strip that is mounted to the roof and on the back side there is a curved aluminum channel, as best that I can describe it. The article window is enclosed in a chrome wrap around encasement, which when rolled up comes into contact with the two sides, front and back and the top which is the roof. I hope this is understandable, best I can do in describing what I have got. Danny

  3. I have owned a 1987 Avanti for almost ten years. In 2002, I took my Avanti to the new Avanti factory in Villa Rica Ga. for a make over. Big mistake, the paint job was a disaster and the weatherstriping around the door and windows was wrong , it leaked. I have keep my car in garage until the last year when I brought my car to our second home in Fl. Unfortunately my home in Fl does not have a garage. I now have severe water leaks when it rains. I have taken the wrong weatherstriping off the car. I am looking for a replacement weatherstrip for my car. Can someone please provide me with information concerning this matter? Thank you, Danny

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