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Posts posted by Footer

  1. When I worked in the body shop back in the 70’s (I was still flexible) my boss would lock me up in the trunk with a good flashlight and run the hose over the car. That worked most of the time to narrow down where the leak was. You might have to make yourself mighty little to fit in your Avanti’s trunk! Mike

  2. I guess if we have our emails in the registry book and some hairball gets his hands on one they could cause all kinds of shenanigans. Guess I could contact Don and let him know somebody hijacked him. Mike

  3. Got an unsolicited email from some guy I don’t know. Looks like fake email addresses as they are different. Not sure how the guy got my email, but be aware if you get something like this.  Mike
     avantii63@outlook.com <avantii63@outlook.com>
    On Mar 6, 2024, at 12:33 PM, Don Haney <avanti63@juno.com> wrote:
    I need to get an Apple iTunes Gift Card for a friend of mine who is diagnosed with stage 4 mesothelioma cancer, it's her birthday but I can't do this now because I’m currently traveling for a business meeting and I'm unavailable over the phone, I am only here with my iPad. I tried purchasing it online but unfortunately, I got no luck on that. Wondering if you could help me take care of this by getting the gift cards at the store. and I'll reimburse you once I get back home. Please let me know so I can provide you the amount needed.
    Don Haney
  4. My starter was getting sluggish on my 83. Took a razor blade and made a little slice and saw just a tiny bit of green on the long cable to the starter. Replaced it and it made all the difference in the world. Mike

  5. I had a black 75 Monte Carlo that I repainted, wet sanded, clear coated, and polished. It was a nice car but I rubbed it down with Mequire’s Mirror Glaze every weekend and kept it clean. Black is beautiful if done right but it takes a lot of upkeep to stay that way. Don’t have the energy for that anymore! 

  6. Pictures in Bob Johnstone’s Avanti registry show my 83 with a moonroof, but somewhere along the line it was removed, possibly by previous owner Mike Valent of Florida. He has passed and I haven’t been able to find any history on the car, but whoever did the work did a very good job. I think Nostalgic still has roof skins available, but then there is the headliner to contend with.  Mike

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