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steve remick

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Posts posted by steve remick

  1. On 4/20/2022 at 4:10 PM, John Hull said:
    2022 AOAI International 60th Studebaker Anniversary Update
    DONT MISS OUT -- June 14-17, 2022
    Milwaukee/Brookfield world class attractions
    Milwaukee Zoo nearby hotel
    Harley Davidson Museum
    Shopping Mall adjacent to hotel
    Spa and Nail Salons in mall
    Guest Speakers
    Andy Beckman SNM Studebaker Avanti
    Robert Lee Minority Owner Newman and Altman
    Dave Kinney Blake
    John Hull Kelly, Cafaro
    Jim Bunting Bunting Era Zoom Interview
    Kelly II John Hull
    Jim Lange - Appearing with his Bonnevile Record Breaker
    Barlow Soper - Excalibur Historian
    Never before seen interviews, videos and special presentation 30th Anniversary Meet footage from South Bend 1993

    Where’s John Seaton in this group?

  2. On 6/13/2020 at 12:59 PM, mfg said:

    As most of you know by now, R4892, the gorgeous and historic 1964 Studebaker Avanti, formerly owned by Dick Vaux, is up for sale.

    Email:  mvtfauxfun@comcast.net    or call  978-423-7748. (Asking $125,000)

    mfg.....do you know if they ever sold his Avanti for $125,000?

  3. 3 hours ago, Dwight FitzSimons said:

    I assume you bored it out 0.010 in. oversize.  If you installed hardened valve SEATS then you should not need a lead additive.  In fact, I have heard little about problems with valve recession in stock Studebaker V8s when running straight, unleaded gasoline.  But, I suppose, that might depend on how many miles you drive the car and how hard you drive it.

    But, with hardened valve seats, I don't think anyone will recommend a lead substitute.


    Dwight...That is correct, that was a test and you PASSED!  I also use NON-OXY FUEL.

    Thanks for your reply

  4. I completely remanufactured the engine (289 R1).  Pistons 10,000 over size.  Hardened valves, valve springs. All engine bearings replaced and all internal parts such as pistons, rods ported and polished. I'm using Vavoline Racing Oil VR1 SAE 20W-50.

    My question.  Do I need to add a lead substitute (CD-2) on gas fuel up?

    Thanks to all in advance for your comments!

  5. Yes, I still have the video of him and the Avanti.  To rich for me.  I won't forget the day I spent with him in St Louis.   Thanks mfg for your input.  If you ever hear what happened to it, let me know!

  6. I and my wife spent the whole day with Dick at the 2015 St. Louis IM. We had lunch together and toured the brewery. 

    He told us the story about the 1985 retrieved hi jacking episode. We talked about Avanti’s. He had such great knowledge about the Avanti. 

    We have photos of us up in the arch in St. Louis. I kept in contact with him. The last time I talked to him, he was trying to sell his house in Florida. 

    I know he had issues with his eyes and I think he mentioned a heart problem about a year ago  

    I told him I would be interested in his Avanti when he was willing to sell it. So, moving forward what will happen to the 64 Avanti?  If available, you can reach me at(651) 788-2961  Steve  

    Dick was a true gentleman and I will miss our talks. 

    RIP Richard 

    Your friend 


    iphone 3-13-16 064.JPG

  7. 18 hours ago, Rob Dudley said:

    I think it helps but I have never had one that didn't seep some. It would be nice if it were sealed but that wasn't the design. 


    So Rob, have you had this problem on your Avanti?  And what you’re saying is just to put up with the seeping and keep a eye on it. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Rob Dudley said:

    There is an exploded picture of the setup in the parts manual on plate # 11-2. Page 108 

    I see 1104-8 & 1104-5 that are" less No Rol"    I just have 1104-8 with "No Rol"   So...do I need "1104-5" also?

    Thanks for your time and advice!

  9. On 7/13/2019 at 11:02 AM, Rob Dudley said:

    When the brakes are released the fluid returns and squirts up against the top. There should be the gasket with a large flat washer below it held in place by an o-ring to deflect the fluid. The chamber is open to the atmosphere to prevent a vacuum condition in the reservoir, so there is an inherent tendency for a little seepage. Modern reservoirs use a rubber bellows to address this issue.


    Thanks Rob.....but I’m not following. Is there somewhere to watch a visual on this or tell me if there’s another gasket, large flat washer and a o-ring, all of this under the cover?

    thanks for your help!!

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